Hey there! You are probably here for one of three reasons:
I will answer some questions regarding this website and this domain.
Unless you got a good reason and offer, then i might consider it, but for now... NO.
Besides, i pay for this domain on a yearly basis, so even if you were to get this domain, you would have to still pay 20 bucks a year, so i'd recommend not wasting your time.
Thing is... I don't know.
I already have an email service up and running with this domain, so thats something.
(before you ask. NO, you wont get an e-mail address from me, even if you were to ask nicely.)
Maybe i'll do something with this. Maybe not. Who knows?
I'm ArtyH. My Discord is arty_highlander and my email is arty@ilovemen.gay (told ya i use the domain with a email service :3)
I just found this domain on sale for 2 bucks as an entry price, so yea. (you wont get this domain from me for 2 bucks however, since i still need to pay 20 bucks yearly for it)
So yea, i hope that answered some questions for you. Cya on the flip side! :3