Welcome to the silly domain known as "ilovemen.gay" :3

Boykisser GIF.

Hey there! You are probably here for one of three reasons:

1. you wanted to check if this domain was taken or not, which in this case, it is.

2. you are just searching for silly websites, you silly goober :3

3. You found this from my Discord account.

I will answer some questions regarding this website and this domain.

Is this domain for sale????

Unless you got a good reason and offer, then i might consider it, but for now... NO.
Besides, i pay for this domain on a yearly basis, so even if you were to get this domain, you would have to still pay 20 bucks a year, so i'd recommend not wasting your time.

Okay, so what are you going to use this domain for anyways???

Thing is... I don't know.
I already have an email service up and running with this domain, so thats something.
(before you ask. NO, you wont get an e-mail address from me, even if you were to ask nicely.)
Maybe i'll do something with this. Maybe not. Who knows?

Who are you even?

I'm ArtyH. My Discord is arty_highlander and my email is arty@ilovemen.gay (told ya i use the domain with a email service :3)
I just found this domain on sale for 2 bucks as an entry price, so yea. (you wont get this domain from me for 2 bucks however, since i still need to pay 20 bucks yearly for it)

So yea, i hope that answered some questions for you. Cya on the flip side! :3

Btw, now that you're here, why not check out my main website :3
Made and owned by ArtyH.